1:1 Heart-Centered Personal Growth Sessions
We address your goals, concerns, frustrations, and challenges and develop a personalized and mindfully compassionate plan to map out your journey. By adopting mindfulness teachings and practices that are specific to your needs, you will discern how your choices and actions impact on your body/mind and learn how to realign in such a way that you become the curator of your own, unique adventure!
1:1 Connection to Spirit
Learn to trust your intuition and deepen your connection to your higher-self. Through enhanced meditation practices, the exploration of tools of divination, adopting an attitude of gratitude, the power of manifestation, and asking for guidance, we deepen our practice in a way that is filled with AWE. We awaken our true selves as spiritual beings in human form and bring empathy, compassion, and kindness into every moment
Ready to take the first step? Let’s Connect and Get Started!

“Happiness lies in giving yourself time to think and introspect.
Be alone once in a while.”
~ Paramahansa Yogananda